All patients are thoroughly evaluated to determine the nature and degree of their physical dysfunction. An individualized treatment plan, utilizing a variety of techniques, is designed to optimize recovery. As treatment progresses, therapists reassess and revise the plan to ensure continued gains. Patient involvement in a home program is always emphasized. Rapid recovery and prevention of re-injury are primary goals
Because of the wide variety of patients and conditions seen, Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy includes the following areas of specialized care:
- Geriatric Care
- Total Joint Replacement Program
- Post-Surgical Care
- Ligament Reconstruction (ACL) Therapy
- Sports Rehabilitation / Testing & Strengthening
- Spinal Care / Manual Therapy
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Overuse Syndromes
- Return to Work / Pain Management
- Custom Orthotics
- Custom Osteoarthritis and ACL Bracing
- Pregnancy and Post-Partum
- Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor
- Posture Analysis and Correction
- Gait / Balance Training
- Isokinetic Strength / KT 1000 Test
- Rehabilitation Supplies
Injuries & Rehabilitation
When sports injuries happen, your goal is to heal quickly, safely, and get back to the top of your game with an eye toward preventing future injuries. That’s our goal, as well, at Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy.
As experts in movement, our physical therapists serve as your first line of care when you experience pain, discomfort or injury while training or competing in your sport. A thorough evaluation from a physical therapist will determine what caused your injury, setting an optimal course for treatment, healing, prevention, and performance enhancement.
Athletic Enhancement
The staff at Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy works with a variety of people with different athletic and sport backgrounds to improve their overall performance and skill, and assist them with successful recovery when sports-related injuries do happen. It is our aim to keep you healthy and on the playing field. It is our goal to work with you, whether your particular sport is recreational or if you play in front of 20,000 screaming fans. At Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy, we will work with you and help create a program that is related directly to the specialized needs of your sport.
We look forward to helping you improve your performance, and we are excited to help you get better every day you play.
Lifestyle Activities
At Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy we look forward to assisting in prevention and recovery from injuries that can occur in everyday life. We commonly see patients that have injured themselves walking, hiking, gardening, or lifting things at home.
We can assess your strength and range of motion and prescribe a program for you that is suited to helping you avoid injuries and enjoy maximum mobility.
We offer Physical Therapy services and look forward to working with you to enjoy maximum mobility and avoid injuries.
Work Activities
At Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy we look forward to helping you recover from work related injuries. Whether you spend your day at the computer, sitting at a desk, standing or lifting, we can work with you to design a program that will help you avoid or recover from work injuries.